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"An Orange a Day" Sponsored By: Pearson Ranch California Oranges

"An Orange a Day" Sponsored By: Pearson Ranch California Oranges
Sponsored by Pearson Ranch California Oranges!

Honorable Mention Day

Well here we go again…the holidays are quickly sneaking up on us.  Pretty soon we will be feasting on Thanksgiving turkey, and then, of course, we turn our attention to all the madness that is collectively known as “Christmas time” or the “holiday season” or whatever you like to refer to it as.  Finally, when the year is done, we re-set the calendar on January 1st, and start the whole thing over again with New Year’s Day.  And to think all of that is just in the last two months of the year!  No, I didn’t forget Chanukah, Kwanza and not to exclude our Canadian friends…”Boxing Day”, but suffice to say that there are lots holidays in December.  However, after looking at the calendar on my office wall, I noticed that the whole year is chalked full of holidays.  And many of these "holidays" (which many people would agree) are days that perhaps would be better called by a different name.  Now, everyone knows (or at least you should know) that the word ‘holiday’ was known as “holy-day”, where for religious reasons, people took time from work to reflect during these days and use them to “connect” spiritually with (not to get too religious) the entity or deity of their choice.  Skip ahead to the modern age of 2013, we see days on the calendar that are in the “loosest terms” still called holidays, like say…”Columbus Day”.  Sure 1492 was a big year for Columbus and the gang, but not a day that most of us here in America try to figure out what to cook for the "Columbus Day table".  An important historical reference day? Sure, why not?   Holiday?…not so much.  But for some sneaky reason, (cover your eyes if you work for a government agency or financial institution) it’s good enough to keep the doors locked and the lights off at the office!  Hmmm…to my knowledge not too much religious meaning to Columbus Day or even Labor Day for that matter.  So, I offer to one and all my “farmer’s practicality” to the days that are observed in our country that are dedicated to not working.  I say instead of holidays we change them to…wait for it…”Honorable Mention Days”.   I know that there are people and events in the history of our great country that merit “honorable mentions” and even postage stamps with their likeness on them, and even for good measure naming schools after them is a great idea too.  But a whole day where we can’t get our banking done, or renew our driver licenses?  That’s just silly and unproductive.  I believe we should have four or maybe even five holidays in our country where everyone takes it off.  New Year’s, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and finally a day in December of your choosing that covers the December holiday of your liking.  The rest of the so-called “holidays”, we turn them into “Honorable Mention Days”.  With no disrespect to anyone’s beliefs or feelings…Presidents Day, Veteran’s Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Flag Day, (insert your favorite person) Day, and the rest, all very meaningful and important, and definitely worthy of honorable mention, and even a parade,  but not enough to close down Wall Street or Washington, D.C..  Sure, leave it to a farmer to throw a “wet blanket” on a good time, but think of the savings at your local car dealer!  After all, the dealerships always need a good reason to have a sale. 

Thanks for reading.

I’ll see you in the groves.

